We have had a great start to the school year, and we are now pros at our procedures and daily routine!
In an effort to streamline information at TPS, our class will be moving to Google Classroom for all homework effective immediately. Each student in the class has been given an email account and password to log into the G Suite; I will share this information with you individually. To log into our Google Classroom follow these steps:
1. Go the the Google search engine.
2. Click the "add email" button.
3. Type in your child's email and password
4. Once logged in, click on the G Suite (the array of 3x3 dots in the right corner of the screen).
5. Click on classroom.
I have already added our class to the student's accounts, so you will not need to put in any kind of code. Once in our class you will see the words stream, classwork, people & "grades on the top of the screen. We will mostly use stream and classwork for our class.Once in the classwork tab you will the topics reading, math, writing, social studies/ science, George & Scout only and Aiden, Elizabeth & Georgia only.
At this time, the reading log is in the Reading section; and I will be able to monitor your child's progress individually directly from the Google Classroom, so there is nothing to copy or print out for reading at this time.
Starting next Monday, the math section will contain math homework for the week. This will change weekly and contain sheets that will contain practice on topics that were covered the previous week. I recommend printing this out once on Monday, and you will have all the work you will need for the week. I suggest you spread the work out through the week instead of completing it all at once. There is no need to return completed homework unless your child needs that as a form of accountability. If you would like to return the work to me you can take a picture or scan in the work and email it to me.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need help navigating the Classroom or G Suite.
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