
Monday, April 6, 2020

April in the Know

Our class at the HP library on the "set" of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid."

 Greetings Primary TPS Families! It's been 3 weeks since we have been on campus, but to me it feels like so much longer! I miss seeing the kid's bright faces in the morning, but I agree that we need to respect the CDC guidelines for social distancing during this uncertain time. I will do my best to keep you updated through the blog, texts and FaceTime.

I have throughly enjoyed FaceTiming with your kids this month. We will continue our FaceTime appointments beginning April 20th. Unfortunately many of you were not able to meet this morning, but if you would like a make-up session this week, please let me know. At this point, please plan on a FaceTime/Zoom session during your time slot every Monday for the remainder of the school year:

  • April 20th
  • April 27th
  • May 4th
  • May 11th
  • May 18th
We made raindrop "stained glass" during our unit on weather. 

Next week we are encouraging families to take a break from distance learning, and enjoy some down time. Of course, if you ever have any questions, or need anything please feel free to reach out to me!

I'm excited to announce that Miss. Rohl will also host a Zoom math/science class every Wednesday as well, so please be on the look-out for an email from her on how to log-in! 

Congratulations to our Panther of the Month, Emmitt! Way to go, Emmitt!

The following are some pictures from our trip to Arabian Nights and our impromptu side trip to Yum Yum's at UNCG. Please be keep healthy and safe!