
Monday, October 7, 2019

October in the Know

Dates at a glance:

  • 10/10- library trip (books are due)
  • 10/30- end of 1st trimester/ "pumpkin day" 
  • 10/31- students may wear costumes/ class party at HP library/ 11:00 dismissal 
  • 11/1- teacher workday
This month we will learn about autumn and the changing seasons. We will have our "pumpkin day" on 10/30. During this day, we will use pumpkins to explore concepts in STEM. Our class party will be off campus this year due to our only being in school until 11:00. The High Point Public Library does a wonderful job with Halloween activities, and they have offered to open early that day so that our class can take part in the festivities! We strongly encourage kids to wear costumes, but no super scary costumes or masks, please. 

New reading logs went home last week, and new Fundations packets will be coming home soon. We will start working on this year's class book tomorrow! Our theme is "The ABCs of Christmas." Be sure to look for fliers in your child's folder soon. It is completely optional to purchase a book; however, most of the kids usually want one. This is a fun opportunity for our class, and an excellent opportunity for them to go through the writing/publishing process. Please note this in not a fundraiser, and the school does not receive any profit from the sale of the books. 

We have partnered with JYA this year for reading buddies! On Wednesdays the high school students come to our classroom and they get the opportunity to read to, and be read to by our class! I'm excited about this partnership, and I know the kids are too. 

The following are a few snapshots from our apple farm trip! Thank you so much to the parents who helped chaperone.