In next week's Tuesday folder you will find the permission form for our field trip. Please sign and return it to school ASAP. We are renting a 15 passenger van for this trip, so if you would like to join us please let me know so that I can make accommodations. Also, please let me know if you would like to drive and meet us at the farm.
- We will leave school promptly at 8:15 which will allow us to still have guided reading instruction before leaving.
- 9:15 check in
- 9:30-11:00- hayride, cider pressing, apple picking/tasting, antique farm equipment demonstration
- 11:00-11:45- lunch, shop and "run around" time
- 11:45 return to van for ride back to school
- 12:30 return to school
the website for the orchard is
~Event Details~
Date: Wednesday, September 21st
Tour Start Time: 9:45am
Cost: $8for parents
Includes: Apple Tasting, Cider Pressing Demonstration,
Hayride,Apple Picking, Antique Apple Washer Demonstration
Includes: Apple Tasting, Cider Pressing Demonstration,
Hayride,Apple Picking, Antique Apple Washer Demonstration
~Safety Issues~ Bees are an
important part of the orchard. Please make the necessary arrangements for
children with allergies.
~Clothing~ Mornings can be wet in the
orchards…please dress your child
in old shoes and comfortable clothing.
~Other Details~ The orchard is located
at 506 Parks Crossroad Church Rd,Ramseur
27316. Parents are welcome ($8/person). They accept Debit & Credit Cards.