December always goes by so quickly! There is always so much to do and not a lot of time to do it in. We should be receiving our class books back from Student Treasures Publishing soon; we'll be combining our book reading and class Christmas party this year which will be on Friday, 12/13. We are excited about our Christmas Around the World unit featuring: Scotland, Italy, Sweden, Mexico & the United States. If your family has any traditions we would love to have you be a "guest speaker" in the classroom! Please let me know ASAP if you would like to participate.
The following are a few important dates:
- 11/7- library field trip
- 11/11- school closed for Veteran's day
- 11/22- class "Turkey Day"
- 11/26- 11:00 dismissal
- 11/27-12/2- School closed for Thanksgiving
- 12/12- library field trip
- 12/13 @ 12:45- class book reading (Parents encouraged to join us!)
- 12/13 @ 1:00- class Christmas party (Parents encouraged to join us!)
- 12/19- pajama day- 11:00 dismissal
- 12/20-1/6- school closed for Christmas vacation
The following are Show & Tell themes:
- 11/8- book
- 11/15- toy
- 11/22- kid's choice
- 12/6- book
- 12/13- toy
We had a great time at our class Halloween party! Here are a few snapshots from the day: