We had a great first week of school, and we are now well underway with our academics! We should be finished with our assessments this week, and we will start our "regular" homework packets next week. The packet will have sight words for your child to work on over the week, please note these are NOT spelling words. However, once the students can read the words by sight, it would be to their benefit to learn how to spell the words, but we will not assess students on the spelling of uncontrolled words.
The packet sent home this past week contained penmanship practice; next week's packet will also contain penmanship work in addition to sight word practice. Please encourage your child to hold their pencil correctly and form their letters correctly (from top to bottom). After next week our focus will move from penmanship (with the exception of our kindergarteners) so I encourage everyone to take advantage of this review!
As part of their homework students need to read or be read to for 20 minutes each night. I can't stress enough the importance of children having daily exposure to books at home.
As you are helping your child with their homework, please encourage them to use the correct pencil grip- even if at first they say it is uncomfortable (in fact expect that at first). Having a poor pencil grip is a very hard habit to break, but will benefit them immensely as they grow and continue to write.
Your child will soon be given a login for Reading Eggs; this can be completed as a regular part of their homework routine along with Xtramath.com.
Thank you so much for your support, we are off to a great start for a fantastic year!