Wednesday, October 22, 2014
2014 Biannual NCAIS Presentation
This year I have teamed with Mrs. Romero again to present at the biannual NCAIS Educatiors conference. I thought I would share.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Looking for the good.
Recently during our morning meetings I have asked the students to find a partner and give them and compliment them on something non-physical (i.e. I like the way you solved the problem on the board during math yesterday). I have been so impressed and pleased with the responses they have been coming up with, and they know that every few days this will happen. The hope is that they will start looking for more of the good in one another.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Dividing words into syllables
This week we have been learning all about closed syllables, and the short vowel sounds that are associated with closed syllables. However, students must first be able to divide words into syllables before deciding what kind of syllable they are working with.
Of course there are always exceptions to these rules, but for our purposes, we use the following rules when dividing words into syllables
Here, Tate is dividing words into syllables and tapping each syllable before tackling the whole word. This is much less intimidating for students who are just starting with multi-syllabic words. This same principle is used for spelling, only in reverse. This is a very powerful concept for emergent readers because they can read some very sophisticated words, and are armed with the strategies to spell multi-syllabic words without memorization.
An activity we work on in class includes word cards. These cards contain words form the very beginning of Wilson. During this activity students made piles of words according to the number of syllables in each word
This is a great opportunity for reviewing the rules for syllable segmentation. Most of the time, students count the vowels and believe that is the number of syllables. many times this works, but we have to be careful of the chicken letter (qu) and of course vowel teams which we will work a lot with later this year.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Sarah Plain and Tall Geography
A "hidden character" and not just the setting for Sarah Plain and Tall is the prairie. We have had a lot of fun comparing and contrasting Maine (Sarah's home state) to the mid-west planes. Do demonstrate the topography of these regions we made a salt dough map, and today we painted it. I was so impressed when the class chose brown for the prairie, because we have been reading about how dusty and desolate that region can be.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Family Lesson "sneak peek"
This is a portrait at the NC Museum of Art that we saw last year during our filed trip, and will visit again this November. We are going to compare and contrast how the family in this portrait looks compared to our modern family (hence the homework of bringing in a family picture). Today we recreated the Pepperrell portrait, and I wanted to share because it came out so cute
I'll share more pictures from this project soon!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Help with Literacy Terms
Do you ever find yourself a bit confused at all the literacy
terms there are out there for reading and writing? I know I totally did when I
was first introduced to them. Today, I hope to shed a little light on many
of the literacy terms you may find in your curriculum or while searching on a
website/blog. I’m organizing them by category and then each term will be listed
and defined in alphabetical order.
General Literacy Terms
§ balanced
literacy- A term used to describe a reading program that integrates
several reading methods so that you’re not leaning too heavily on one side of
teaching. For example, a balanced program integrates reading AND writing as
well as phonics AND sight words. It’s not an either/or. All are included.
§ book
awareness- An awareness of how books “work”. Where is the cover? Where is
the title? How should he hold the book while reading?
§ developmental
literacy- A method of teaching that looks at the child’s level of development
and teaches at that level versus just saying, “Well, he’s in 4th grade. I
should work with him on 4th grade skills.” A child might be in 4th grade, yet
working on a 2nd grade level developmentally.
§ dyslexia- A
language processing issue that can make it difficult for the student to: 1)
Hear sounds in words {see phonological awareness below}, 2) recognize “known”
words quickly, affecting fluency, 3) figure out unknown words, 4) spell,
and 5) comprehend text.
emergent reader - A
child who has learned the basics, like letters and their sounds and
is ready to begin the early stages of reading.
§ multi-sensory
teaching- Using as many of the five senses to teach a concept. The goal
is to help learning become meaningful for that particular student and that the
learner will connect with the literacy skill or text in a meaningful way.
§ phonics-
Understanding the relationship between written letters and
the sound(s) that they make
§ pre-reader- A child
that does not fully understand that print has meaning. For example, a
pre-reader does not fully understand the relationship between the written letter and
that it makes a sound (phonics)
§ print
awareness- The awareness of how print works. For example, moving from
left to right as the child writes or knowing the difference between an upper
case and lower case letter
§ reading
level- In my opinion, kids need to be able to read the words AND
comprehend the text in order for you to say that they are indeed reading
on a particular level. For example, if Suzy can read the words on a 4th grade
level, but cannot remember what she has read (this is a re-occurring thing), I
would not say that Suzy is reading on a 4th grade level. Reading equals
thinking and if the child isn’t getting any meaning from the text, she is
simply barking the words.
§ reversals-
Reading SAW for was or spelling with a b instead
of a d. Reversals are VERY common in early literacy {K-2nd grade}
and do not necessarily mean the child is dyslexic.
§ sight
words- A sight word is any word that a child has learned by
sight. While the most common sight words can be found in Fry’s list
as well as the Dolch word list, a child’s name could also be considered a sight
word for that particular child.
Phonological Awareness
§ phoneme
(a.k.a. phonogram)- The smallest sounds (not necessarily letters)
in a word. For example, the word cat has three phonemes:
/k/-/a/-/t/. But, sheep also has three phonemes /sh/-/ee/-/p/.
Keep in mind you are only counting sounds, notletters.
§ phoneme
blending- The ability to take the small sounds (phonemes) in a word and
blend them together to make a word. For example, if you said, “/k/-/a/-/t/”,
with the three sounds separated a bit, can you your child blend them together a
little quicker to know it was the word cat?
§ phoneme
isolation- The ability to isolate a certain sound in a word. For example,
I can ask my child, “What sound do you hear at the beginning of mop?
This requires the child to isolate one sound and pull it out from the word:
§ phoneme
manipulation- The ability to “play” with sounds in a word by blending,
isolating, and/or segmenting them. For example: “If you take the /m/ off of man and
put a /p/ on the front, what word would it make?” (answer: pan).
Doing this requires the child to isolate the m sound,
separated it from the word, add the /p/ and then blend the word back together.
The easiest stage of phoneme manipulation is with the initial or first sound of
the word (like the example I just gave). Harder examples include: asking the
child to change man into mat (take off the
last sound, add a different sound) or man into mutt (take
off the middle sound, add a different vowel sound).
§ phoneme
segmentation- the ability to take the entire word and break it into separate
phonemes (or small sounds). For example, if the child wants to spell frog,
can he separate the sounds /f/-/r/-/o/-/g/ and write a letter to
represent each one? Beginning spellers typically hear and spell the first
and/or last sounds before moving to the middle sounds.
§ phonemic
awareness- The ability to hear the small sounds (or phonemes) in a word.
Phonemic awareness plays a HUGE role in reading and writing
§ phonological
awareness- The ability to hear sounds within a word. This is the larger
umbrella under which phonemic awareness falls
§ rhyming
words- a part of phonological awareness. Two words that begin
differently, but have a similar sound at the end. For example: play,
day, sleigh, weigh, stay, etc. Note: rhyming words are not always
spelled the same.
§ syllables- a
part of phonological awareness. I call these the “big parts” of a word with
younger kids. For example, words like cat, mop, and fun only
have one big part (or syllable), while words like button, able,
and under have two.
§ Phonics
§ ambiguous
vowels- These are vowel combinations that can make more than
one sound, like the oo in book and moon OR
sounds that can be represented by more than one vowel combination, like
the sound of /ah/ in tall, caught, or cost.
§ blend
(consonant)- A blend is when you take two letters, put them together
(side-by-side) in a word, and you hear both sounds. A few examples include: bl, gr, st, ornd.
§ consonant- Consonants include the letters:
b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, and z (although
some of these letters can act as vowels, too). Consonants are
frequently referred to just with the letter C in curriculum and on
§ decode- The
ability to look at letters and figure out the “code” of the letters so
that it makes a word.
§ digraph
(consonant)- A consonant digraph is when you take two letters, put
them together (side-by-side) in a word, and you hear only one sound. Examples
include: ch, gn (less common), sh, th, wh, wr.
§ digraph
(vowel)- Two vowels found side-by-side in a word that make one sound
(unless you are from the south and you can make these vowel digraphs into 3 or
4 sounds). Examples include: ai, ee, oa, or, aw.
§ inflected
endings- Endings put on the end of base words such as: -s, -es, -ed, or
§ long
vowel- A vowel that makes it’s sound of its letter name. For example,
in the word cat, the a does not make the letter
name sound, but in the word name, it does. In spelling instruction,
long vowels are typically taught after short vowels because, although its
easier to hear the vowel sounds, the spelling patterns are less predictable
than short vowel patterns.
§ nonsense
words (pseudo-words)- A word that resembles a real word in English, but it isn’t
real. Examples include: gake, frot, or shup but
NOT braj, xog, or chiv. Nonsense words are used to see if the child
can apply the “rules” of phonics without giving the child the crutch of a real
word. (Sometimes kids are very good at knowing words by sight, but you want to
purely assess if they can decode unknown words. Nonsense words can help you do
§ onset- The
first part of a word before the vowel. Examples include: b in bat, sk inskate,
or t in toy.
§ phonogram- See
phoneme in the section above
§ prefix- A
group of letters before a (base) word that changes the word’s
meaning. Some common examples are: un-, de-, in-, non-,
or ex-. Prefixes have meanings themselves, too. For example, un- means
not. If the meaning of the word doesn’t change, it is not considered a prefix.
For example, in the word uncle, the un- is not a
prefix, but a part of the word itself.
§ r-controlled
vowels- Vowels followed by an r that “control” them.
They are often referred to as bossy r vowels. The five most common
r-controlled vowel combinations are ar, er, ir, or, and ur.
§ rime- The
part of the word that comes after the onset. Many rimes are predictable,
meaning they are usually spelled the same. The words play, day, jay, and gray all
share the same rime: ay. For this reason, I love to have kids spell
and read using word families (or rimes).
§ schwa- A
sound in the English language that sounds like the short u sound
/uh/, but it is made during a syllable that is not stressed or emphasized. For
example, in the words away, another, and again,
the schwa sound is found at the beginning of the word. Schwa is usually
represented with an upside down letter e.
§ short
vowel- Short vowels do not make their letter name
sounds like long vowels. Vowels are typically pronounced with their short sound
when there is only one vowel in the word or syllable and it is followed
by one or more consonants. While there are some exceptions to this (like told or truth),
most words do follow this generalization. Examples of short vowel words
include: well, hot, sand, or six.
§ suffix-
Letters put on the end of a (base) word that changes its meaning. Examples
include, but are not limited to -ed, -ly, -ful, or -less.
§ syllable
juncture- The point at which two syllables come together in a word.
Studying various kinds of syllable junctures helps readers understand how to
decode/read words. For example, sample is divided between the m and p whilerobot is
divided between the first o and the b. The
division of the syllables affects vowel sounds within the syllables.
§ vowel-
Vowels include the letters: a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y (my)
and w (flew). Vowels can be long, short, or make ambiguous
sounds (like oo). Vowels are typically represented by the letter V
in curriculum or on websites, like here: CVC.
§ word
families- Words that rhyme and have rimes that are spelled the same.
They have different onsets (beginning letters), but the same rime
(word chunks). An example of this are the words dog, frog, log, clog, etc.
Emergent readers are prime candidates for learning phonics by way of word
§ word
study- The study of word patterns in the English language. Instead of
teaching phonics as a list of isolated rules (that are so often broken),
phonics is taught by looking at and analyzing words that are spelled similarly
and coming up with generalizations that apply to that group of similar words.
For example, why don’t give, love and have contain
long vowels? These words aren’t rule breakers! When studied as a group,
students realize there’s a generalization for them.
Fluency Terms
§ accuracy
(word)- The ability to read the word correctly the
first time. Word accuracy is important for fluency and comprehension.
§ automatic- When
a reader can look at a word and read it within one second of seeing it. Word
automaticity is important for fluency and comprehension.
§ echo
reading- The adult reads a portion of the text with fluency first, then
the child copies the adult
§ expression-
Another term used for prosody {see below}
§ fluency-
Fluency includes reading rate (or speed/word automaticity), word accuracy, and
prosody. Being able to read with fluency has a direct impact on comprehension!
§ intonation- Using
the sound of your voice to convey meaning. For example, your voice inflects up
a bit at the end of asking a question {a part of prosody}.
§ miscues-
Miscues are mistakes kids make while reading. Miscues include, but are not
limited to, substituting other words for the word in the text or omitting words
that in the text.
§ prosody- using
your voice to express the meaning of the text. Prosody includes things like:
intonation, grouping words together in meaningful phrases, or using the
punctuation to group words together. When someone reads with prosody, it sounds
more like they are talking rather than reading.
§ reading
rate (words per minute)- How quickly did the
child read the passage? A simple way to calculate words per minute is to take
the number of words in the passage and multiply it by 60. Divide that
number by the actual time in seconds it took for the child to
read that passage. So if the passage was 200 words long, and Samantha read it
in 2 minutes, her words per minute would be 100 words per minute. And just a
side note: reading quickly isn’t always a good thing if kids are more focused
on how fast they can read versus the meaning of the text.
§ re-reading- Going
back and reading a text again that you’ve already read. There are several
reasons to re-read. Reads might go back and re-reading for meaning (like if it
didn’t make sense the first time). I ask readers to re-read entire (shorter)
texts or passages sometimes just to work on fluency.
§ self-corrections- When
a child goes back and corrects a mistake in her reading.
§ silent
reading- When a child reads silently to himself. Younger children tend
to whisper read instead of reading in complete silence. Silent reading is a
part of balanced literacy. Books that the child reads during silent reading
should primarily be books that he can read with independence (for example,
books that the child has already read with you).
Comprehension Terms
§ Bloom’s
Taxonomy- A way to classify different kinds of thinking. Bloom’s starts
out at the basic level (knowledge) and moves up into higher order thinking,
like synthesis and evaluation.
§ comprehension
strategies- The strategies proficient readers use as they are reading.
Some examples of comprehension strategies include: asking questions, making
predictions or creating mental images etc.
§ context
(in context)- When reading is done in context, it is done within the text.
Words are kept in their context. Instead of pulling individual words out for
study, words are figured out by using the context of the sentence or passage.
§ explicit
questions- Questions that directly come from the text, the reader can go
back and find the answer word-for-word. These kinds of questions would be on
the lowest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
§ fiction- A
story or text that is made up. Fiction can be realistic or fantasy. (I hesitate
to say that fiction is “not true”, because lots of fiction does include facts,
like historical fiction.)
§ implicit
questions (higher order thinking questions)- Questions that require
the reader to read between the lines, the answer is not in black and white, but
rather implied. These kinds of questions invoke the child to dig a little
deeper and for that reason, I like to use them more than explicit questions.
§ main
idea- The way I always describe main idea to kids is: What is the
story ALL about? Main idea does not include small details, but the big picture
and can usually be summed up in one or two sentences.
§ non-fiction- Text
that is not made up and is based on facts. Non-fiction includes more than a
science or history book. A recipe is non-fiction. The ingredients on the cereal
box are non-fiction. The rules to a card game are non-fiction.
§ out of
context- Pulling words out of context means that you take the word (or
words) from the text and study them separately, apart from the text itself.
§ picture
walk (preview)- This is an activity done before reading takes place. The
reader looks through the pictures of the text and predicts what he or she
thinks is happening. This is a great way to activate prior knowledge and to
give the child a purpose in reading. Students using non-fiction texts can
preview the text by looking at the table of contents, charts, or photographs to
predict what the text will be about.
§ plot- The
rise and fall in action from a story. Scholastic has a plot diagram to
demonstrate plot in a fiction text.
§ prior
knowledge (background knowledge)- Also known as schema.
What does the reader already know about the subject before even reading the
text. Comprehension is much easier if the reader has prior knowledge of the
subject before reading. If the child does not have the prior knowledge, the
adult can build prior knowledge by making learning a hands-on tangible.
§ retell/summarize- When
a child retells what happened in the story, she is including only the important
parts of the story. Retelling requires the reader to determine what’s
important/not important from the text and retell it in a way that makes sense
to the listener
§ story
elements- Story elements are the basic features that make a story be a
story such as characters, setting, problem, and solution. These story elements
work together to form the plot.
§ text
features and text structure- Text features and text
structures go hand-in-hand in helping young readers know what is important and
not so important to the text.
§ theme- The
theme is what the author wants you to walk away with from the text. Often the
author wants readers to learn a lesson for life such as be kind or act
responsibly. Fables are a great medium for teaching theme, as fables all have a
moral or lesson to be learned.
Writing Terms
§ conventional
spelling- Spelling words the correct way.
§ copy
work- Asking a child to copy words, phrases, or sentences to
practice grammar, handwriting, and/or phonics skills. Many people will select
passages from a text that the adult and child just read together as copy work.
Once the child copies the work, he is supposed to read it aloud to practice
fluency as well.
§ developmental
spelling- Understanding that spelling is a process. A preschooler’s
spellings will look much different than the spellings of an older child.
§ dictation- Used
mainly with children in the pre-writing stage or when a child wants to
write something for which he is not developmentally ready. The child tells the
adult what he wants his sentence(s) to say and the adult writes the words in
front of the child. The adult then reads it back to the child. Although this is
a great strategy for pre-writers, it is effective for older reluctant writers,
§ fine
motor- In order to hold a pencil and write, the muscles in the hand
need to develop strength. Fine motor activities such as tweezer work, beading,
playing with playdough, building with Lego bricks, or scissor practice can help
to strengthen those muscles.
§ handwriting-
Letter formation or writing. All young writers should begin writing their
letters from the top down instead of the bottom up when making vertical
strokes. Right-handed children should also drag their pencil from left to
writing when making horizontal strokes while left-handed children should drag
their pencil from right to left. Forming letters this way facilitates dragging
the pencil versus pushing the pencil to write.
§ invented
spelling- When a child does not spell the word conventionally, but makes
up a spelling of the word instead. I love invented spellings because they tell
you so much about what a writer understands about how words work
§ pencil grip- The
way a child holds his or her pencil while writing. Correct pencil grip may not
be used right away when kids first start writing and that’s okay! shared
writing (interactive writing)- This is a highly
effective writing strategy, especially for struggling writers, in which the
adult and the child share the pencil. The adult writes most parts (maybe the
parts that are too difficult for the child) and the child writes what he can.
For example, if a child knows a few basic sight words, the parent would let the
child write those words if they come up in the writing as they work together.
While the adult is writing, she is modeling what good writers do. It might
sound like, “I am going to put some space between this word and this one so my
reader knows these are two different words.” (More info to come on this later
this spring!)
§ writing
process- This is my favorite way to teach writing: as a process. This
approach encourages kids to engage with writing like real authors do. It
includes brainstorming ideas, writing rough drafts, revising, editing,
publishing, and sharing work
§ writing
prompts- Any time an adult gives the child his subject for writing.
Writing prompts can be effective for giving young writers a springboard for
more writing. They can also be effective for controlling vocabulary. For
example, if your child was working on the sight word like, you
might give him a prompt to practice that new word, such as “I like…”, and he
completes the sentence
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