
Monday, September 16, 2013

Wilson Key-Words &Sounds

Vowel sounds are reviewed every day.  The proper way to review is to
start with the letter name, keyword, and sound.  i.e..
"a" apple /a/. 
It may seem silly, but keywords for sound retrieval are vital!  It still amazes me when I see a student self-correct using this simple strategy.  If the student spells the word "fish" as f-e-sh, they can self correct by using what I call their built-in spell-check.  Start with the vowel.  What is the keyword for e? Ed. What sound does the "e" make? /e/. Usually they immediately see their mistake and correct the word. 9 times out of 10 spelling mistakes are made by confusing vowel sounds.  because of this we review the vowel sounds every day.  We are only focusing on the short sounds this semester, and long vowels will come next semester.  However, we are not "avoiding" long vowels, in fact we are still looking at them through our daily sorts and Words Their Way lessons.  At this point long vowels are described as saying their name in words.  We will get much deeper into this during the second semester, and look at various ways words with long vowels are spelled.
Digraphs also have keywords and sounds.  Any guesses when to use "ck" option  for the /k/ sound? 


  1. Tara wins the prize for being the only one brave enough to answer! ck is used at the end of most words, but only when following a short vowel. I find it easier to explain to us the ck option for the /k/ sound after a short vowel because when we get into multi-syllabic words like "pocket" the ck option will come naturally.

    1. Thank you for explaining. So much to learn! :)
