
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Word Wall

So what is a word wall, and how is it used? I am using our word wall a little bit differently this year because of the nature of our class.  Most word walls are blank at the beginning of the year and words are added throughout the year.  We do add new words each week, but we started the year with 100 of the most common sight or "trick" words from first grade and kindergarten already posted.  We review these words, and the students can use the word wall as a reference for spelling these words.  We add new words each week after the class has had the chance to work with these words in class, guided reading lessons and for homework.  We are constantly review the spelling of these words by chanting and clap-spelling.  Because these are high-frequency words, it is likely that students will read them often. Having the words posted permanently in the room provides a great opportunity to practice writing these words in our writing. 
"Word Walls are useful because they make sight words more visible in the classroom- and when words are visible, students learn to read more readily." -Gail E. Tompkins

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