
Thursday, August 15, 2013

15 Most Misspelled Words

Spelling can be a very difficult thing to teach because there is always an exception to a rule.  This year my class will be moving through steps 1-4 of the Wilson Reading System.  A huge part of "Wilson" teaching is learning about the rules in the English language, but there are some words that all of us (yes adults) misspell on a consistent basis.  I like this chart, and I was thinking of using this to teach the first week or two of school before we get into Wilson full-force. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

We're Back!

A HUGE thank you to the Noble PFA for a fantastic breakfast this morning! It is great to be back in the school. The "calendar" center of the room is set up! This year primary will have an additional math class, I am unofficially calling it math enrichment. Part of this will be calendar time, we will use this time to study patterns, graphing, counting money, and days of the week. This time will also be used creating hands-on projects and crafts related to the mathematical concepts we are learning for the week.

Now that we have a set of iPads (HOORAY!) I was looking for some ideas on Pinterest, and I came across this great idea for a summer scrapbook. Then I thought, what a great idea for a beginning of the year composition project.  This is also a wonderful get to know you lesson idea link here

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Pencil Battle!

As all teachers know, keeping students with sharpened pencils is a constant battle. I personally do not have a sharpener in the room because it drives me crazy. This year I am going to try the strategy of communal pencils, and one of the weekly jobs will be for a student to sharpen all of the pencils at the beginning of the day. I got this little handy organizer at Michael's. My only complaint is that I wish the cups that hold the pencils were a little taller. I was thinking of adding card stock around the top, but I thought I would wait and see how it works when the kids get here first.